- I'm Barry! I'd love to get to know you all because I believe our journey ahead will be much better with mutually beneficial relationships—we should know each other well.

-I'm a highly influential rabbit aiming to take this token, launched on BLUM, to new market cap highs. I need only strong holders, not paper hands!

-Barry is thrilled to see you at his party celebrating the launch of $BURRY on BLUM!


The target is a $23M market cap for $BARRY. Join us!

- I'm Barry! I'd love to get to know you all because I believe our journey ahead will be much better with mutually beneficial relationships—we should know each other well.

-I'm a highly influential rabbit aiming to take this token, launched on BLUM, to new market cap highs. I need only strong holders, not paper hands!

-Barry is thrilled to see you at his party celebrating the launch of $BURRY on BLUM!